Compelling Television from Scotland
Authentic, Creative, Distinctive
Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

A story about fashion, history and people, young and old, as a remarkable community project takes to the road.

Bho bhith a’ sgioblachadh san lobhta gu cruthachadh iomairt sònraichte choimhearsnachd. Sgeulachd mu fhasan, eachdraidh agus daoine, sean is òg, a’ leantainn pròiseact choimhearsnachd iongantach ’s e a’ sgaoileadh gu sgìrean ùra. Trusadh – Na mo Chuid Aodaich.

From attic clean out to an award winning community project.  A remarkable success story about community, fashion, history and people, young and old, as a unique fashion show takes to the road. Trusadh – Na mo Chuid Aodaich


Duncan Macdonald