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Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

Trusadh takes to the seas and islands with the Sea Shepherds of the Western Isles.

Airson iomadach linn, tha na ceudan de na h-eileanan beaga far chosta Taobh Siar na h-Alba, a’ chuid mhòr gun daoine a’ fuireach orra, air a bhith air an cleachdadh airson sprèidh, ach gu h-àraidh caoraich. Tha an cleachdadh an urra ri deagh sgilean mara agus cìobaireachd a tha gu math eadar-dhealaichte bho shuidheachadh àiteachais àbhaisteach.  Gu math tric air talamh garbh agus ann an cuantan fiadhaich, ’s e cleachdadh a th’ ann a tha dol a-mach à bith agus a tha a’ cur feum air sgilean agus eòlas sgioba threun de chìobairean mara.

For centuries the hundreds of small, mainly uninhabited islands off the west coast of Scotland have been used by shepherds in the production of livestock, especially sheep. The practice requires a combination of maritime and shepherding skills very different to any normal agricultural situation. Often on difficult terrain and in wild seas, it is a dying tradition that requires the skill and experience of a hardy band of Sea Shepherds.