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Cancer Club – a moving and inspiring story of unexpected brotherhood amongst Lewis men.

Tha Buidheann Taic Aillse nan Innse Gall, stèidhte air eileanLeòdhais, a’ dèanamh rud ris nach biodh tu an dùil idir – a’ bruidhinngu fosgailte. Aig a chridhe tha dòigh a tha misneachail mu bheatha.Tha gàire follaiseach ann an còmhraidhean na buidhne, agus ‘s e anCancer Club’ a’ th’ aig na buill orra fhèin. Sgeulachd dhrùidhteach,mhisneachail ris nach sùileachadh tu mu chàirdeas am measg /rLeòdhais.

The Hebridean Men’s Cancer Support Group, based in Lewis, is breaking down stereotypes by getting blokes to open up. At its heart is a positive, life embracing approach. Humour is reflected in the banter, and its members dryly refer to the group as the ‘Cancer Club’. A moving and inspiring story of unexpected brotherhood amongst Lewis men.


Elly Welch