Compelling Television from Scotland
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Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

Moving stories of people living with Crohn’s Disease.

Na sgeulachdan drùidhteach, feartail acasan a tha beò le Crohn’s – sean is òg, nam measg boireannach òg a tha an dòchas dol tro leigheas ùr le a bhith a’ cleachdadh ath-chur cealla stem hematopoietic, leasachadh a tha a’ toirt dòchas dha mòran.

The poignant and moving stories of those living with Crohn’s disease – young and old, featuring one woman who’s going through an experimental hematopoietic stem cell transplant, a new treatment which is offering hope to many.