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Three-part series on Gemma Steele, a remarkable young humanitarian from South Uist

Aig dìreach 23 bliadhna a dh’ aois, tha uallach aig an oileanach Gemma Steele à Glaschu – a bhuannaich an duais airson ‘Unsung Hero’ aig Duaisean ‘Young Scot’ 2014 – son cor 25 pàiste san taigh dhìlleachdan a thog i ann an Nakuru, Kenya. Le taic ionmhais agus cuideachadh practaigeach bho mhuinntir Uibhist, dh’ fhosgail Dachaigh Chloinne St Jerome’s a thog Gemma na deugaire, ann an 2012. Tha e na dhachaigh ghràdhach dha clann eadar 4 agus 18 bliadhn’ a dh’ aois a bhiodh air na sràidean, às aonais.

Dìlleachdain Gemma – sgeulachd dhrùidhteach agus bhuaidheil mun dà chuid nighean, agus 2 choimearsnachd eadar-dhealaichte ann an Alba agus Kenya.

At just 23 years old, Glasgow student Gemma Steele – who won the 2014 Young Scot Unsung Hero Award – is responsible for the wellbeing of 25 children at an orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya. Supported financially and practically by the people of Uist, St Jerome’s Children’s Home, which Gemma began building as a teenager, opened in 2012 and offers a loving home to children aged 4 to 18 who would otherwise be on the streets.

MacTV profiles this remarkable young humanitarian from South Uist, who has won the trust of orphans and the admiration of Scots countrywide, as she undertakes her latest project.