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A look at Down’s syndrome, and the many misconceptions that surround it.

Bheir Ups and Downs seallaidh e air an cothrom beatha a th’aig pàiste le Down’s syndrome san là ’n-diugh.

Am measg na choinnicheas sinn, Galina a tha 13. An coilean i a comas ann am foghlam aig ìre na h-àrd-sgoile? Ged a tha piseach mhòr air a thighinn air foghlam an coimeas ri na bliadhnaichean a dh’ fhalbh, tha cultar ann fhathast a tha dol an aghaidh cuid de a thaghaidhean foghlaim. Bruidhnidh a pàrantan, Aonghas agus Gerda, air an dòchasan agus an draghan.

Ups and Downs explores the life chances of a baby born with Down’s syndrome today.

Amongst those we meet 13 year old Galina. Will she be able to fulfil her potential in a secondary education? An education, although much more enlightened than in previous decades, that still has a culture opposing some of her educational choices. Parents Aonghas and Gerda discuss their hopes and fears for the future.


John MacKinnon