Compelling Television from Scotland
Authentic, Creative, Distinctive
Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

The attractions of swimming in the wild.

An tarraing a th’ aig snàmh ann an àrainneachd nàdarrach – tha barrachd agus barrachd dhaoine a’ seachnadh an amar-snàmh ionadail airson uisgeachan sòilleir agus gu math tric reòite gus snàmh ann an lochan, aibhnichean agus cuantan na h-Alba. A bheil seo math do shlàinte agus do dhòigh-beatha, no dìreach cracte?

The attraction of swimming in the wild. More and more people are shunning the bright lights, tiled floors and chemicals of the swimming pool to swim in the clear, refreshing and often freezing natural waters of the lochs, rivers, and seas of Scotland.


Magnus Graham


Magnus Graham