Compelling Television from Scotland
Authentic, Creative, Distinctive
Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

The young people at the forefront of the revitalisation of trad music.

Tha sgoiltean, colaistean agus fèisean bho air feadh na h-Alba air a bhith aig teis-mheadhan ath-bheothachadh ceòl tradiseanta na dùtcha. A’ coinneachadh ri oigridh a th’aig crìdhe an dùsgadh seo.

Schools, colleges and festivals all over Scotland are at the centre of a traditional music revival. Meet the youngsters who are now at the forefront of this revitalisation.


Don Coutts and David Martin