Compelling Television from Scotland
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Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

A trip to Canada in search of the origins of step dance.

Bha dannsa ann uaireigin. Lionadh am fuaim taighean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean. Ach an uairsin chaidh e à sealladh. Seann dhannsa ceum na h-Alba. Tha Jayne NicLeòid a’ siubhal bho a dachaigh ann an Eilean Leòdhais gu Canada, a’ lorg ceumannan nan sinnsirean Albannach aice.

Once upon a time there was a dance. Its sound would fill the houses of the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Then it disappeared without trace. The old Scottish Step Dance. Jayne MacLeod travels from her home on the Isle of Lewis to Canada in search of the Steps of her Scottish forefathers.


Elly Welch