Compelling Television from Scotland
Authentic, Creative, Distinctive
Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

Dòtaman, the iconic Gaelic children’s programme celebrates its thirtieth year.

Comharrachadh dathte de aon de na prògraman Gàidhlig chloinne a b’ ainmeile, a tha air toileachas a thoirt do ghinealaichean de shluagh na h-Alba thar nam bliadhnaichean, is e a’ comharrachadh 30 bliadhna!

A colourful celebration of the iconic Gaelic children’s programme, which has gained cult status with generations of Scottish audiences and remains one of the most recognizable Gaelic TV brands, as it celebrates its 30th birthday.


Neil Campbell