Compelling Television from Scotland
Authentic, Creative, Distinctive
Telebhisean buadhail à Alba
Dearbhte, Cruthachail, Sònraichte

The poignant story of a Uist family’s journey to create a positive legacy, 10 years after losing 3 generations of their family in the terrible storms of 2005.

Sgeulachd dhrùidhteach, bhuadhail aon theaghlaich à Uibhist agus iad a’ sireadh dòigh cuimhneachain sònraichte agus iomchaidh a chur an cèill dhaibh fhèin mar theaghlach agus dhan choimhearsnachd, 10 bliadhna as dèidh dhaibh trì ginealaichean den teaghlach a chall anns an stoirm uabhasach a bhuail na h-Eileanan ann an 2005.

The poignant story of a Uist family’s journey to create a positive legacy through music, 10 years after losing 3 generations of their family in the terrible storms of 2005.


Calum Angus Mackay